Rabu, 22 Mei 2019


The need and intensiveness of round wood storage
also needs be reconsidered in the future. Providing the
proportion of moisture resistant soils decrease in the fu-
ture, there will be a growing need to increase the propor-
tion of winter time logging and to further develop storage
systems. In Finland there has been a growing trend to-
wards covering spruce pulpwood logs under a thick snow
layer during wintertime to guarantee the supply of paper
mills during the summer season.

Forest level optimization necessitates accurate infor-
mation about stand properties. Tree-by-tree optimization
of cutting (that affects following logistical paths) prior to
harvest can be executed only when we have accurate in-
formation about dimensional and quality distributions of
each tree species within each stand. Although there have
recently been several studies that have focused on this
subject, there are rather few examples of practical solu-
tions. It might be that researchers have to prove the ne-
cessity and the value of improved information in euros or
dollars before the forest industry is willing to discuss new

Kebutuhan dan intensitas penyimpanan kayu bulat
juga perlu dipertimbangkan kembali di masa depan. Menyediakan
proporsi tanah tahan kelembaban menurun di masa depan, akan ada kebutuhan yang meningkat untuk meningkatkan proporsi penebangan waktu musim dingin dan untuk lebih mengembangkan sistem penyimpanan.  

Dalam memperbaiki tingkatan hutan butuhnya optimalisasi atang pengembangan baik dalam hutan Optimalisasi pohon demi pohon pemotongan (yang mempengaruhi jalur logistik berikut) sebelum
panen hanya dapat dilakukan ketika kami memiliki informasi yang akurat tentang distribusi dimensi dan kualitas setiap spesies pohon. 

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